[Explained] Can a Range Hood Vent Near a Window?

Remember the times when people had to open the kitchen window to breathe some fresh air? Especially after something burnt. 

Now, no matter how much you cook, bake, grill, or roast, all the fumes can be easily vented out with a range hood. As it sits over the stove itself, there is a lot of heat, grease, and toxic fume dispersed through it. 

So can a range hood vent near a window? The answer is yes it can. There is no specific guideline but some instructions from professionals. 

Let’s check them out and come to a conclusion before the installation. 

Can a Range Hood Vent Near a Window

Can I Vent My Range Hood Near a Window?

There are no standard rules or regulations for a range hood installation being close to a window or venting. But other facts like the direction of the smoke and fume coming into your house, grease buildup around the window, and the installation code of your area. 

These might not look like such a serious issue at first, but we will go into detail to give you a better understanding. 

1. Fumes and Smoke Back in Your House

As every home is equipped with its own venting system, it’s circulating air all around. If you have your range hood or cooker hood venting near a window, all the hot air, fume, and smoke will be back inside. Which is a fail for the range hood. So if you are going to install your hood near the window, make sure not to open it while using the hood.

2. Grease Buildup in the Window

However if you don’t open your window while using the cooker hood, air will still pass through the nooks and crannies of the window and its frame. So over time, you will find your window starts to blacken. It’s due to the grease buildup that your air conditioner or venting system brings in air. So you’ll have to constantly clean your window. 

3. Installation Code of the Area

There is no exact information if there is any installation code for the range hood, but it’s not impossible. So it is best you check with your area or apartment code before proceeding to insall the vent near the window. 

How Close Can a Range Hood Be From a Window?

Professionals recommend you install your range hood vent 2-3 feet away from your window. But the range hood can be installed right over the window if you don’t have any other place to install it. Make sure to remove the window curtains for better measure. Or be ready to wash them every week. 

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (FAQs)

How far should a range be from a window?

The recommended distance for a range from a window is 12 inches or 1 ft. This is due to the heat it generates and the grease that will destroy the window and curtains. 

Can I put a range hood anywhere?

Yes. You can install your range hood anywhere you want. But the vent on the other hand should be out of your house. It should never vent inside the house, be it the attic, basement, or anywhere else. 

Can I put a gas range under a window?

As gas range stove tops use gas as the main source of heat, placing it under a window will cause the fire to go off. Which is a huge waste of money and time. So it is best you do not place it under the window. 

Where should the range hood vent to?

If you want the best for your range hood and yourself, you should vent it over the roof vertically. If the option of vertical venting is not possible, sidewall ventilation is recommended. 


So, guess you understand now how important it is to keep your hood vents away from your window. If there is no option at all, try keeping it at least 2 feet away. And the chimney over the roof. Otherwise, get ready to clean your window every week or so, or it will look like an industrial factory. 

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