Can I Cover My Vent With Duct Tape | Is It Possible? 

We all leave and breathe on DIY. And it doesn’t only cut the cost of things, but you also get the feeling of accomplishment. 

But not everything we think of can bring in a good result. Still, the human mind will keep on wondering and exploring. Can I fix a broken glass with noodles? Can I use super glue to fix a denature? Or even, can I cover my vent with duct tape? While you cannot control your imagination, all of those questions’ answer stays a big NO! 

We are going to talk about why duct tape isn’t the ideal candidate to cover your vents and what you should use instead. 

Can I Cover My Vent With Duct Tape

Why Can’t I Cover My Vent With Duct Tape?

Although the name goes hand in hand with duct, duct tape is not meant for sealing. You can use duct tape for many purposes and it only makes sense in using it to cover your vent. But you are so wrong thinking like that. Here are 5 reasons why duct tape is the worst choice to cover your vent.

The Adhesive Wears Off Fast

Duct tape has a strong adhesive. And it is also easy to tear off whenever it is needed. Which makes it a great choice for a fixer-upper in any given situation. But like any other tape adhesive, when it comes in contact with air, hot or cold, the adhesive starts to wear off. It hardens and loses its grip. 

And once it loses its grip, you won’t get the sealing you need on your vents. So it isn’t a great solution to use it to cover your vent. 

Turns Into a Fire Hazard

After the adhesive is worn off, it becomes dryer than a twig. Which is an ideal element to start a fire. And if you are using duct tape on heater vents or range hood vents, that becomes even more hazardous. 

With running hot air in that is leaking on the tape, it will catch fire any moment. And you don’t want that to happen and burn down your home sweet home. 

Leak Is Evident

As tape adhesive won’t last, and come off after some time, your vent will start to leak. So whatever the vent is to do, vent hot or cold air out of your home, will start to leak out inside. 

This is a huge failure in the heating or cooling system. As the appliances will have to work even harder now to achieve the right temperature but won’t be able to due to the leak. 

Not a Good Fix Under the Walls

Everything needs a bit of fixing every now and then. But when it is under the wall, its particularly hard. Most venting ducts are under the wall nowadays. And if you seal or cover the vents with duct tape, it will come off after a few months.

So if you don’t want to tear down and redecorate your walls every few months or so, we suggest not using duct tape on your vents. Rather use some permanent alternatives that are meant for these kinds of work. 

Gas Poisoning Is Waiting to Happen

Last but not least, if you are using it for your range hood, we cannot stress enough how dangerous it is to use duct tape on your vent. Gas vents are notorious for being a silent killer as they produce carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. Which are untraceable, clear, and odorless life risks. 

So we installed a range hood to remove all of these chemicals from our home. But using duct tape to cover the vent won’t do any good, would it at this point?

What You Should Use Other Than Duct Tape for Vents

There are not one, but 3 alternatives to cover your vent other than duct tape. These are 

  1. Fiber Glass Mesh Tape.
  2. Duct Putty.
  3. Foil Tape.

While you use Fiberglass mesh tape and Duct putty together to get the perfect sealing, Foil tape can do all of it on its own. 

Depending on your vent size, type of appliance, and usage, you can go for any of those. Or better enough, consist with an HVAC professional for better info. Cause you cannot leave your home and possibly your life at risk for a simple duct tape. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What happens if I tape a vent?

If you tape a vent for whatever reason, the air pressure will cause your air conditioner to malfunction. Even worse, damage it. Because it won’t understand that your vents are taped up, and keep on pushing air. So it’s best you don’t tape your vent. 

What can I use to cover a vent?

You can use anything to cover your vent that allows air to pass. It can be mesh, framed printed, or patterned cases. There are thousands of options, just don’t go for the ones that block the airflow. 

How do I cover vents safely?

You can cover your vents safely by placing a vent cover over them. It can be anything from a framed case to a mesh cover. Just make sure it lets the air pass. If you want to close the vent in general, a plastic or magnetic sheet case will do the trick. 

How powerful is duct tape?

Duct tape has the power to withstand 62 pounds of weight. But its weakness is a hot and cold environment. So it is not suggested to be used in an environment like air conditioning and cooking appliances. 

Can I paint an air vent?

Yes, you can. You can paint the air vents with the spray paint method. Do a double coat for better looks and longevity. 


The pro tip to cover your vent is to go for professional-grade sealants. Duct tape is good for a lot of things, and can be handy to fix smaller objects like holding together your work boots for the afternoon. But that doesn’t mean you are going to continue to use it and move on to using duct tape on the vent. Be a wiser person and invest in the right product for the right purpose. Stay safe and stay healthy!

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